Field Trip



  • 10:00 Departure, Hotel Kalkstrand Pickup from your hotel Kalkstrand, Pargas. If you are checking out from the hotel, please check out well before 10am, and place your luggage in the hotel luggage room reserved for the conferance, the bus will take you to the hotel after the excursion in order to get the luggage before taking those who want to the bus station.

  • 10:20 Sattmark cottage café Stop at Sattmark Café. Sattmark cottage is a idyllic cottage from the 18th century, representing the traditional way of building in the archipelago. The cottage, built by Sattmark manor as one of many smallholdings, has been a home of boatsmen and later of crofters for the estate. Refreshments at your own expence.

  • 10:55 Towards Nagu Bus continues toward the Nagu ferry

  • 11:45 Nagu Arrival at Nagu, toilet break

  • 12:00 MS Norrskär ferry Ferry MS Norrskär departs from Nagu harbor to Själö island (20 minutes)

  • 12:20 Själö (Seili) Island Arrival at Själö Island (read more about Själö on ). Guided roundtrip on Själö

  • 14:00 Lunch Lunch in the main building restaurant (not included, price 16,90€)

  • Free time to explore

  • 15:30 MS Norrskär departure Departure with MS Norrskär to Nagu

  • 16:00 Nagu We board the bus and depart back towards Pargas

  • 17:10 Hotel Kalkstrand Hotel Kalkstrand for those staying there and for fetching the luggage of those continuing to the bus station.

  • 17:25 Pargas/Parainen bus station Bus 801 departs for Turku 17:35 and 18:05

  • Price: The price of the Field trip including bus transportation, ferry and guide is 37€. Refreshments and lunch is paid by everyone separately.

  • Booking: Book your place on the excursion day through at the latest June 10th